Code of Ethics

1. The editorial board of “Dacoromania” (DR) has final authority concerning acceptance/rejection of any submitted manuscript.

2. All manuscripts shall be assessed by the editorial board, the editorial review board and peer reviewers solely on grounds of scholarly content and scientific merit.

3. The content of all submitted manuscripts shall be kept confidential while under review.

4. In case of any conflict of interest, the chief editor shall be notified so that he can take appropriate steps (e.g. to reassign a given manuscript to a different referee).

5. The chief editor shall be willing to publish corrections, retractions or clarifications when necessary.

6. The editorial board of “Dacoromania” strongly condemns any form of research misconduct. DR editors and referees shall endeavour promptly to identify and expose any attempt at plagiarism or other forms of malpractice. If research misconduct has been proven in any given case, the chief editor shall take the necessary steps following COPE’s guidelines: